The Ultimate Dividend Tracking and Analysis tool for Trading 212
Keep track of all your Trading 212 dividends in one place
The Trading 212 community matters, and that’s why we have created this dividend tracker. Just sign up and start tracking today.
Retire Your Excel File and Track Your Dividends Automatically
It is a great feeling to see your dividends lining up! Especially when you don't need to keep the list up-to-date yourself. With Dividend Tracker, you just need to import your files, then check your yearly, monthly and daily dividends. See payments by companies and gain insights of those dividend payer companies. Non-Dividend payer companies are imported as well, you can view them on your transactions page.
- Import your Trading file, no modification needed
- Do not worry overlapping on imported files
Great Features
Start working with Dividend Tracker that can provide everything you need to have a birds eye view on your dividend investments.
View company yields and dividend frequency and decide which companies to invest in next.
Past Dividends
Using your payments calendar you can see how much money you have collected so far!
Dividend Tracking
Sometimes it takes a few days to get dividends paid. Know immediately which companies are about to pay.
Search the dividend calendar for upcoming payments in the future.
Visual Analysis
Use charts to view and plan your next investment strategies.
How does Dividend Tracker work ?
All you need to do is to export your file from Trading212 and import to the application. The rest will be handled by the application and give you great visibility.
Can I re-upload the same file ?
Dividend Tracker will not create duplicate transactions or dividends, so you don't need to filter your files. You can just upload as you wish.
Is there a line limit on transactions ?
Each package has its limits . You can upload your whole transactions without making any changes. The application will process them in the background and notify you once the import is completed.
Can I use other platforms with Dividend Tracker ?
Dividend Tracker currently only support Trading212 file exports. Currently, there are UK, US and EU ticker supports in place.
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